Letto Sebelum Cahaya Lirik
Letto – Sebelum Cahaya lyrics Ku teringat, hati, Yang bertabur, mimpi, Kemana kau pergi, cinta Perjalanan sunyi, Yang kau tempuh sendiri, Kuatkanlah hati, cinta Chorus: Ingatkan engkau kepada, Embun pagi bersahaja, Yang menemani mu, Sebelum cahaya Ingatkan engkau kepada, Angin yang berhembus mesra, Yang 'kan membelai mu, cinta Kekuatan, hati, Yang berpegang, janji, Genggamlah tangan ku, cinta Ku tak akan pergi, Meninggalkan mu sendiri, Temani hati mu cinta Interlude Chorus # Chorus (x2) 'Kan membelai mu, cinta Lyrics taken from /lyrics/l/letto/sebelumcahaya.html. If this song really means something special to you, describe your feelings and thoughts. Don't hesitate to explain what songwriters and singer wanted to say. Also we collected some tips and tricks for you:. Don't write just 'I love this song.' Hidden between the lines, words and thoughts sometimes hold many different not yet explained meanings.
Letto Sebelum Cahaya Lirik
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